
When the two kanji symbols of "Hibari" are separated, the first symbol is "kumo," which translates to mean cloud. The second symbol is "suzume," which means sparrow. "Hibari" literally translates to the word skylark, which is another type of bird, one that is said to still sing even as it reaches the clouds. As we probably know by now, both the bird and cloud symbolism have much to do with Hibari's character. He is the Vongola Cloud Guardian, after all.
His given name, "Kyouya" is a little trickier. "Kyou" translates to mean mirror, and "ya" can translate as night or darkness. So "Kyouya" could mean mirrored night or mirrored darkness. I'm not entirely sure this fits him as much as his family name does. Hibari may be scary and incredibly intimidating, but I don't see him as a dark character - at least not from what we have been given about him so far, which admittedly is not much. However, "night" can also refer to an evening set aside for a particular purpose, like a theater's opening night. And Hibari does indeed have a particular purpose - such as kicking butt :)