
Alaude was the Cloud Guardian to the first Vongola leader, Giotto. He is said to have been a loner, preferring to work in solitude and away from crowds. He is confident in his own strength and is uninterested in fighting with those whom he deems weaker than him. However, he is always reliable and will appear to help his allies when they need him. All of this sounds very familiar, doesn't it? :) It is said on several occasions that Hibari bears an eerie resemblance to Alaude, though Hibari is quite a bit more violent and Alaude appears to be calmer and more mature. Not only are they remarkable similar personality-wise, they are also almost indentical in physical appearance, though Alaude has light blonde hair and blue eyes. Roll's Cambio Forma takes the form of handcuffs, just like Alaude's weapon of choice.