Varia Arc
When we begin this Arc, we are quickly thrown into a conflict between the Varia - the Vongola's top assassin group - and Tsuna, along with his famiglia. It begins with the delivery of seven rings, known as the Vongola rings, which are presented to the next Vongola heir and his six core famiglia members as proof of his future succession. We learn pretty quickly that the rings Tsuna and his friends receive are only half of a whole ring given to them by the Vongola's outside advisor, and the other halves have been given to the Varia by the Ninth. Furthermore, we discover that each ring is different - Tsuna's is the Ring of the Sky. We learn about all of them, particularly the Ring of Cloud, described as "the cloud that can't be caught by anyone and goes it's own way." Hmm... sounds familiar...
Tsuna discovers that in the ten days they have until the Varia find out the rings they stole from them were fakes, each of the seven core members of his Famiglia will be undergoing training. As Reborn only has ten days, he has assigned each member a trainer. Dino Cavallone is included as a trainer, though he makes it a point to tell Tsuna he can only help with training because of alliance issues. He then goes on to talk about how the one he is assigned ot train is very problematic. This also sounds very familiar. We then see Hibari reading in the Reception Room, holding half of the Vongola ring in his hand. Dino enters, politely, and attempts a civil conversation. We know where this will lead. It is Hibari, after all.

Naturally, he is not interested in anything having anything to do with talking. He'd rather just beat Dino up. Dino smiles though, reaffirming that Hibari is very problematic indeed, and pulls out his weapon. He states that fighting will just make things go faster. The two of them seem perfectly content with fighting each other - Hibari for vague reasons involving fighting strong people, though we know Dino has other plans. The two are seen fighting on the rooftop of Namimori (honestly, where are the adults in this series?). Dino reflects that Hibari is quite dreadful, which makes him perfect for the Vongola Famiglia. He then manages to tangle Hibari's tonfa in his whip and gets him stuck.

He tells Hibari he should not be satisfied with his current strength, and he will make Hibari stronger - to which Hibari promptly refuses and hits Dino in the face with his free arm. We then are shown several other scenes of the rest of the group and their unique training methods. After learning that Reborn is trying to train Tsuna to get him to control his Dying Will Flame, Dino is trying to talk to Hibari (casually calling him by his first name) about the ring and the situation Hibari will be in. As usual, our prefect wants to hear nothing about it and says he doesn't care, he just wants to beat Dino up. He does see that it seems to be important though, and threatens to throw it away if Dino doesn't start fighting seriously. Dino is further surprised by Hibari's singleminded "fighting maniac" disposition and offers up a trade - if Dino beats Hibari in a serious fight, Hibari must join Tsuna's Famiglia. Meanwhile, the Varia discover earlier than expected that the rings are fake and head to Japan, unbeknownst to Tsuna and company.
It isn't long before the Varia make their move and target Lambo, the unfortunate bearer of the Ring of Thunder. This is when the group discovers Varia is here and they make it just in time to protect Lambo, I-Pin, and Fuuta from Levi. It is then proclaimed that the Ninth has declared a battle for the rings - the Varia versus Tsuna's Famiglia. The next day, Yamamoto, Gokudera, and Tsuna mention that Hibari did not show up at all for the announcement or to protect Lambo. We then are shown a glimpse of what Dino and Hibari are up to.

Looks like they're having fun! :D And this is what we are left with for several chapters while Ryohei, Lambo, and Gokudera fight their matches. He reappears after Gokudera's match has just finished, and destroy's Levi's entire squad of lackeys to get into the building. Naturally, he is only worried about the state of Namimori after several explosions have gone off inside of it and is determined to punish those who have marred it. However, they are told by the Cervello (the mediators and judges of the battles) that if they participate in battle outside of the judging grounds they will be disqualified. Yamamoto steps in to attempt to calm Hibari but Hibari moves to strike him down as well. Yamamoto demonstrates that he too is quite hardcore by looping around and catching Hibari's tonfa. He then asks him to be patient, and that Squalo is his opponent. This both surprises Hibari and proves to further piss him off.

He moves to strike Yamamoto down but Reborn chooses to intervene. He tells Hibari that he can let loose now, or he can step aside and wait for the chance to once again fight Rokudo Mukuro. Hibari then changes his mind, after the Cervello agree to repair the school, and tells Yamamoto not to lose before it is his turn, and he leaves. Reborn explains that this shows how humiliated Hibari feels for losing at the hands of Mukuro. After the Varia leave as well, Reborn mentions that the now have a very strong ally on their team, though Tsuna and the others wonder how Hibari will handle being in a "crowd" with them.
Moments later, Dino shows up with bandaids on his face and asks if anyone has seen Hibari xD Reborn reassures him that he didn't cause too much of a hassle. Dino seems relieved and mentions that Hibari went back quickly to resume his "training journey." He then mentions that Hibari is "a guy who doesn't listen to anyone. Even if you pin him down by force, he won't admit defeat." Dino was just nervous that Hibari would go berserk if he saw the damaged school building and would disqualify himself. so he was training him far away in forests and by the ocean. Yes, I agree with you Tsuna that it sounds very epic indeed.
Reborn asks Dino how much stronger Hibari has become, and Dino admits that he doesn't know. He states that while Hibari has become stronger, he cannot measure how much, and that Hibari has unlimited potential for growth. Yamamoto seems impressed by this statement but then the topic switches to his upcoming battle. The next day, Reborn shows Tsuna a picture of the Ninth. As Yamamoto is about to enter the arena for his own battle, Dino shows up and tells the group that Hibari finally decided to listen to his explanation about the rings and the battles. Tsuna is surprised that Hibari had been training this whole time without knowing why. Dino then says that he will be watching the fight, and Hibari probably will be too. We then see Hibari watching from the water tower on top of a nearby roof.

Ryohei gets excited that Hibari is likely there and wants him to join in their little pre-battle group huddle. Everyone tells him without hesitation that it is impossible and they'd probably be killed if they tried. Hibari is seen in glimpses throughout the battle, watching intently. The next day, Tsuna meets up with Chikusa and Ken, Mukuro's subordinates from the previous Kokuyo Arc. Reborn asks where their Mist Guardian is, and they tell him that he went to see Hibari, who is seen walking down the street. A figure passes by him, remarking on how it's been a while, and Hibari has become stronger again. When Hibari turns around to see who spoke, there is no one. He is nowhere to be seen during the Mist Guardian's battle, but once it is over we see Dino has come to visit him again.

He seems pretty confident in himself :) We start off the next chapter showing Hibari's defeat at the hands of Gola Mosca. However, it is shown to be a dream of Tsuna's. He then goes to find Dino to ask how Hibari will fare during the battle. It is revealed that Ryohei, Gokudera, and Yamamoto came to ask the same thing and all fell asleep in the lounge. Dino says it because they are relieved - he tells Tsuna with 100% confidence and zero favoritism that Hibari is a "perfect finish" and that he is incredibly strong. Meanwhile, it is discovered that beneath the Ninth's hideout there is an old weapon manufacturing laboratory that was recently used. The weapon created there was sent to the Varia.
Reborn has Tsuna training to perfect his technique during Hibari's battle. Gokudera, Ryohei, and Yamamoto are there for moral support, though Hibari is never in need of any... or just doesn't know what moral support is or how it can beenfit anyone. He asks what they're doing there, they tell him, and he threatens to kill them if they don't go away. Yamamoto then claims they are just coincidentally passing by. Luckily for them, Gola Mosca shows up and distracts Hibari.

The battleground for the two of them is a copy of a warzone. The area is surrounded by barbed wire and eight automatic machine guns are set up throughout. It is explained by the Cervello that the Cloud Guardian receives the most extreme battleground because the Cloud Guardian is supposed to be one who cannot be bound and is completely independent. Yamamoto tells the Varia with complete confidence that Hibari is the Tenth Vongola's ace. The infiltration team back at the Ninth Vongols Headquarters are seen having immense difficulty dealing with a weapon that looks just like Gola Mosca. An ally of their's appears to shut it down and inform them that the one they fought was just a prototype and can't even be compared to the one Hibari is going to fight. The three onlookers huddle and say "Hibari, fight!" without him in it. Romario, Dino's right hand man, asks Dino if he is going to watch the fight. As Gola Mosca charges at Hibari, Dino answers, saying that where Hibari is concerned, Gola Mosca is...

With one blow, Gola Mosca is defeated and Hibari snaps the two pieces of the ring together. Everyone's faces are priceless. He hands the ring to one of the Cervello, telling her he doesn't need that thing, and tells Xanxus, the leader of the Varia, to fight him. He says he can't leave until he bites him to death. With this, however, the battle is supposed to be over - Tsuna's team is supposed to have won. Xanxus attacks Hibari unsuccessfully, saying that they lost, but Hibari perceptively says that his face tells another story. They continue to fight while machine guns fire away in the background.
The fallen Gola Mosca appears to have locked onto Hibari as a target. He is hit in the leg by a projectile attack from the seemingly defeated Gola Mosca - it seems Xanxus just kept him busy until the machine could get itself ready and go berserk. Xanxus was waiting for Gola Mosca to lose control and kill everyone. Meanwhile, the reconnaisance team has realized that the Ninth boss they encountered there was a fake. As Tsuna appears and battles Gola Mosca, the team at the headquarters discovers that the machine runs off of flame energy, like Tsuna's dying will flame. As Tsuna tears the machine up, the Ninth boss falls out of it.
It was part of Xanxus's plan to have Tsuna be the one to kill the Ninth boss so that no one could object to Xanxus becoming the Tenth. Tsuna resolves to make sure that Xanxus is not able to do so. Gokudera, Ryohei, Yamamoto, and Chrome all back up their boss's will, and while Hibari states his will is his own, he still raises his tonfa. The Cervello resolve that the matter of the Ninth boss's revenge battle will be handled as the battle for the Sky Ring and will be dealt with the following day. Yamamoto and Gokudera ask Hibari if he is all right, because he has been uncharacteristically restrained.

It seems that Hibari is intrigued by Tsuna's newfound strength and wishes to see more of it. The next day, all of the the competitors are gathered to participate in the final battle. The rings are relinquished from their guardians and placed throughout the school grounds so that the guardians must fight for them again. However, once the battle begins, each guardian is administered a poison that is to kill them in a half hour. It can only be dissipated by the matching Vongola ring. Therefore it falls on Tsuna to have to revive them. Xanxus knocks over the towers from afar with his flame of wrath and two of his subordinates are able to get their antidote. When one of them goes to kill the Rain Guardian, Yamamoto, and revive their own ally, they encounter Hibari.

It seems Hibari, despite his paralyzed state, forced himself to knock down the pole and administer the antidote. Reborn explains it as the "persistent power of a guy who hates being restricted." Furthermore, he goes on to explain that when there are clouds in the sky, a storm soon follows. Hibari had taken the Storm Ring from his opponent and tossed it up to Gokudera's area. I find it highly amusing that Belphegor, Hibari's opponent, knows him as "Ace" because of what Yamamoto said to them the day before. Hibari was not present during Gokudera's fight with him, so he learns the hard way that Bel uses knives and wires as weapons. He is cut deeply by the wires, and Belphegor goes in for the kill...

But no. Hibari just catches the knives between his fingers like a boss. Have I mentioned that my primary reason for loving him is that he is hardcore? Once he has them in his hands, he sees the trick and says that is just the kind of trick weak herbivores use to survive. Belphegor flees and Hibari says it was a waste of time, though Dr. Shamal in the audience remarks that Hibari's cuts are deeper than he thinks just as Hibari staggers against a wall. After soe more coverage of Tsuna's battle with Xanxus, Hibari is seen bandaging his wounds. After we watch more of Tsuna's intense battle, where he is finally getting the upper hand on his opponent, Hibari cures Yamamoto and doesn't fail to look agitated about doing so.

He says it's because if Yamamoto died on school grounds, it would mess with the discipline of the school and tells him to die elsewhere. Yamamoto sees that Hibari is hurt, though Hibari himself doesn't seem to really notice, and offers to be his "player sub." For a while, Hibari seems to do as Yamamoto requested and has rested. Until the Vongola rings reject Xanxus and he and his group decide to go back to their original plan of killing everyone. Belphegor cuts down one of the Cervello, and the other decides that the Varia team has been disqualified and is now helping out Tsuna's team. When they realize the Varia infiltration team has been wiped out by a man who had Tsuna to thank for relinquishing him from Mukuro's control in the Kokuyo Arc, they are officially defeated. The Cervello announce that Tsuna is the rightful heir as are his six guardians. This is the last time we see Hibari in this Arc, though it is mentioned that he will have received his ring to keep.